SENIOR SAT TODAY, OCTOBER 14th Please remember: -Pencil -Calculator -Blue health slip
over 4 years ago, Michael Baird
Good Luck to our Boys & Girls Golf Teams as they take on the Harvard Hornets at our home courses this afternoon. Thank you to our Seniors: Jack DiPiero, Garasin Haley, Alex Harrison & Alaina Robinson! We appreciate your participation and dedication to the sport! GO ROCKETS!
over 4 years ago, @RBCHS_ROCKETS
Good morning, Please see the link below for information regarding our hybrid learning plan for the high school:
over 4 years ago, Michael Baird
Seating at Board of Education meetings for the public is very limited due to the IDPH social distancing guidelines. In order to accommodate those not able to be present, the meeting will be live streamed and public statements can be emailed to tlind@rbchs to be enter in as part of the record. All statements must be received by 7:00 pm on September 21, 2020. Click on the Zoom Link Below to Stream Live:
over 4 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please take a moment to review your Skyward Family Access "Skylert" settings to ensure that you are receiving important information. Most non-emergency messages from our Superintendent are sent as "General", so you will want to be sure to have "General" activated using your Family Access account. Here is a guide on how to do that:
over 4 years ago, RB 157
Good evening, We continue to monitor the internet outage. Parents do not need to contact the building with internet issues, students will not be marked absent. Teachers will give students extended time on the material. We will keep you posted.
over 4 years ago, Michael Baird
September 8-11 DRESS UP DAYS: Show your RB spirit! Student Council is having dress up days next week. Take selfies dressed in the theme and send to Ms. Wright at ~Tuesday, September 8: Crazy Hair Day (A SCHEDULE) ~Wednesday, September 9: Jersey Day (B SCHEDULE) ~Thursday, September 10: RB (Maroon/Gold) Day (A SCHEDULE) ~Friday, September 11: Red, White, Blue Day to Remember September 11th, 2001 (B SCHEDULE)
over 4 years ago, RB157
Boys & Girls Golf and Cross Country events have been cancelled for this evening, 9/1, due to inclement weather. Rescheduled dates will be shared once solidified.
over 4 years ago, @RBCHS_ROCKETS
Later this week you will be receiving a survey from the District asking for feedback about the first few weeks of remote learning. Your input will be very important in allowing us to make improvements to better serve your child.
over 4 years ago, District 157
B Day tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Michael Baird
B Day
The Board of Education meeting for Wednesday, August 19, 2020 has been moved to the RB cafeteria. The meeting will still start at 7:30 pm and will also be streamed live.
over 4 years ago, District 157
Dist 157 BOE meeting this Wednesday 8/19 @ 7:30 pm. Below is the Zoom Address to view the meeting. Due to health codes public seating is very limited.
over 4 years ago, Richmond-Burton Rockets
IHSA Face Mask UPDATE for Boys & Girls Golf: masks MUST be worn at all times EXCEPT when hitting the ball. Thank you to all our golfers for adhering to the IHSA/IDPH/RBCHS rules and guidelines. GO ROCKETS!
over 4 years ago, @RBCHS_ROCKETS
Parents/Students you will be receiving more information throughout the next week on the opening of schools and how remote learning will work. Please check your email or our website for updates. This year may start different, but it will still be a fantastic year! GO ROCKETS!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
The Return to Remote Learning documentation can be found here:
over 4 years ago, RB157
Cross Country information can be found on Athletics Webpage. Practice and meet schedules are posted. All athletes must adhere to IHSA/IDPH/All Sports Policy guidelines. All athletes will need a signed Covid Release and current sports physical. ALL WE DO IS RUN! GO ROCKETS!
over 4 years ago, @RBCHS_ROCKETS
D2/D157 will begin the school year in remote learning. Every option and plan was developed, but at this time guidelines by ISBE/IDPH can not be met in a manner that would provide consistent in person learning. More information will be forth coming.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
IHSA Fall sports: Co-ed Cross Country, Boys Golf & Girls Golf. Practice schedules forthcoming. Schedules are fluid are this time. Visit the Athletics website for updates/information regarding registration & COVID-19 compliance. We will follow IHSA/IDPH/ISBE guidelines.
over 4 years ago, @RBCHS_ROCKETS
Please click here for Registration Wrap Up Details!
over 4 years ago, RB157
An email has been sent asking parents to choose the instructional delivery they want for their student(s) during first semester. District 2 and 157 believe it is important for parents/guardians to have this choice. Please complete at:
over 4 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind