Join John Baylor tonight @ 7:00 p.m. for a live seminar on the impact of COVID-19 on College Planning. Register Here:
almost 5 years ago, RB157
The Governor of Illinois issues all schools to remain closed for the rest of the year. Click on the link below to see superintendent Dr. Tom Lind's letter regarding this.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Activities/Athletic Director Ms. Martin April 14 Spring Sports Tweet: "@RBCHS had spring coaches mtg today on zoom. Message from us: keep up with e-learning & working out hard the best you can. Most important stay safe & healthy! We miss you all. Every day is a gift. Take care of each other and yourselves. #RBTogether" @
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Rocket Logo
Attn: Class of 2021 (Juniors) & Class of 2022 (Sophomores) ~Could you be the next leader for L I N K CREW 20-21? Apply @ Online: APPLICATION DEADLINE: This Friday, (4/17) by 3PM
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Link Crew flyer
RB's s Luke Eckardt chooses NIU; Jacob Petersen picks up offers ~See complete article @ (NWHerald 4/12/20)
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Luke Eckardt chooses NIU
OTC: How to Handle a College Admissions Deferral or Wait-list @
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Due to the uncertainty of school schedules and limited copies, we ask that you order your yearbook from home.  Please see attached flyer for ordering instructions.
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Yearbook Ordering Information
Check out this video of Cooking with Ms. J at
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Free Webinar: Helping Children Overcome Toxic Stress and Trauma. Join us for this free webinar on Tuesday, April 7, at 3 p.m. Register here:
almost 5 years ago, RB157
There are workouts at teambuildr that you can do from your house with little equipment. #stayhealthy #rbtrack"
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Good Evening, Today, March 31,2020, Governor JB Pritzker announced the stay in place order will extend through April 30th. This means schools will remain closed during this period of time. In addition, all scheduled school activities during this time are also canceled.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Reminder to students and parents that our e-learning will begin Monday. Please go to our website for more details. In addition, as we get more information regarding any extension to school closures we will update our website and email you with those details.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Governor Pritzker has extended school closures through April 7, 2020. E-Learning will begin on 3/30. More information to follow early next week.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
3/20 update. All buildings have been deep cleaned and we are ready to implement e-learning days if we should need them. We are currently monitoring the situation and the rapidly changing guidelines. D2 and D157 will be sending an update to all parents this weekend
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
A wonderful resource to remind us to take care of ourselves and others around us.
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Keep up on the latest School Closure Information by going to our COVID-19 page on our website. As of today, we have posted a Q&A from the ISBE covering many topics impacted by the closure of our schools. As we get more information, we will share it with the RB Community.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Social Distancing
almost 5 years ago, RB157
Social Distancing
ATHLETICS UPDATE: ALL PRACTICES CANCELED DURING SCHOOL CLOSING AND SPRING BREAK. Coaches will communicate practice schedules for today 3/13 and tomorrow 3/14.
almost 5 years ago, @RBCHS_ROCKETS
ALERT: School Closure Notice: All D157 and D2 Schools will be closed starting March 16th through March 29th. We will continue to evaluate the situation and act in coordination with state and local health agencies.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind